
Mrs. Janes' Schedule

See current newsletter below schedule.

n 7:35-8:05                Character Ed./Homeroom
n 8:05-9:20                Math
n 9:20-10:00              Language/Reading
n 10:00-10:15            Snack
n 10:15-10:55            PE          
n 11:00-11:50            Spelling/Phonics/Reading/Handwriting
n 11:50-12:18            Lunch (table 2 line 1)
n 12:18-1:18              Reading/RTI/AR
n 1:18-2:18                 Social Science
n 2:18-2:30                AR/Dismissal

 Mrs. Janes' Froggy News
Student of the Week-Tucker Ayers
August 18th-22nd

Class Reminders:
-Field Trip Shirt $10
-Class Donations $10
-PTO $10
-Movie Night August 22nd

Reading: This week we will be reading Exploring Space with an Astronaut. We will be focusing on identifying the main idea and author's purpose.
Language: Identifying declarative and interrogative sentences.
*Declarative- a statement that tells something. It starts with an upper case letter and ends with a period.
*Interrogative- a sentence that asks a question. It starts with an upper case letter and ends with a question mark.

Math: Use concrete pictures to represent 3 digit numbers Write numbers in standard, expanded, and number word form. Read and write numbers to 1,000 using base ten numerals, number words, and expanded form.
Spelling: blaze, cube, giant, home, city, mice, cent, page, stage, space, tune, vote, erase, spice, confuse
*Write a complete sentence.
*Write a complete sentence.

Mrs. Janes' Froggy News
Student of the Week-Maleah Beaufort
August 11th-15th

*Please look over your child's homework nightly and initial behavior calendar. 

Story: Iris and Walter
Vocabulary Words: high, every, near, add, food, between, own, below

drum, rock, list, desk, job, sad, chop, sack, tag, rib, mess, dust, pocket, lettuce, engine

 This week we are discussing complete sentences.  Complete sentences are groups of words that tell a complete idea.  The words are in an order to make sense.  A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark (.!?)

Math Homework
See folder for assignments